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2.3 Organize an event in my 3D immersive space and Metaverse

2.3 Organize an event in my 3D immersive space and Metaverse

2.3.1 How can I effectively organize an event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Organizing an event in your 3D immersive space and metaverse is made simple with Mext's embedded event software. However, it's essential to plan ahead. Here's a step-by-step guide to prepare your event:

1. Define the event details: Determine the purpose, format, and target audience. Consider factors such as duration, attendee count, and objectives.

2. Set up an event landing page: Create a dedicated landing page with event details, agenda, speakers, and registration options if needed. Access this feature in the Metaverse administrator Backoffice under "create/edit an event."

3. Prepare your 3D space: Conceptualize the event and related immersive spaces. Configure event spaces for different activities such as speaker stages, exhibitor booths, and networking areas using Mext's Metabuilder.

4. Manage registrations: Set up a registration process to gather attendee information. This is built-in within your 3D immersive space's software and accessible through the Metaverse Administrator Backoffice.

5. Engage speakers and exhibitors, Find sponsors: Invite participants and provide necessary guidelines and resources for a seamless experience. Manage speakers, exhibitors and sponsors through the Backoffice under "Manage events”

6. Promote the event: Utilize various marketing channels to generate awareness. Share event links, create video teasers, and promote speakers across social media and other platforms.

7. Test and rehearse: Conduct thorough testing to ensure all components function correctly. Refer to Mext's troubleshooting document for assistance.

8. Host the event: Welcome attendees and guide them through activities and sessions. Use features like "Live visitors" and "notify live visitors" in the Administrator Backoffice to interact with attendees.

9. Gather feedback and analyze data: Collect feedback and analyze attendance rates, engagement metrics, and attendee feedback to improve future events. Access statistics and feedback in the Administrator Backoffice.

By following these steps, you can successfully organize and host an immersive event in your Metaverse, providing a unique experience for attendees.

2.3.2 Can I use my own registration system for my event, or am I limited to using Mext's system?

You have the flexibility to use your own registration system and interface with Mext using the Mext API for registration. To set this up, reach out to Mext at for further assistance.

2.3.3 Is it possible to embed the event landing page in my website?

Absolutely. You have a dedicated link in your Backoffice that allows you to seamlessly embed the landing page into your website.

2.3.4 What are some ways I can promote my event landing page?

You can promote your event landing page by sharing its link directly and also by embedding the landing page into your website.

2.3.5 What strategies can I use to effectively promote my events?

To effectively promote your event, consider the following strategies:

1. Share on Social Media: Utilize the built-in sharing feature on the event page to easily share your event on popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This allows you to reach a wider audience and encourage attendees to spread the word.

2. Email Campaigns: Leverage the platform's email marketing capabilities to send targeted campaigns to your community. Craft compelling emails that highlight the key features and benefits of attending your event. Include clear calls-to-action and registration links to drive sign-ups.

3. Create Engaging Content: Capture the attention of your target audience by creating captivating content. Make videos showcasing your Metaverse space and event preparations, and share them on social media platforms. This visual content helps generate excitement and interest in your event.

4. Conduct Interviews: Host interviews with industry experts, influencers, or keynote speakers within your Metaverse. Record these interviews and share them on social media platforms or through email newsletters. This not only provides valuable content but also builds anticipation for your event.

5. Announce Games and Prizes: Incorporate gamification elements into your event promotion. Announce interactive games or contests with attractive prizes. Promote these incentives on social media platforms and through email campaigns to encourage participation and engagement.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively promote your event, generate buzz, and attract a larger audience. Remember to monitor the engagement and response to your promotional efforts, and make adjustments as needed to maximize your event's success.

2.3.6 What means an event in the context of the context of a 3D immersive space and metaverse ?

In the context of a 3D immersive space and metaverse, an "event" refers to a virtual gathering and activities within the digital realm, typically organized within a defined time slot. These events can take various forms, including avatar gatherings, live video streams, or a hybrid blend of both. The scope of events is extensive, ranging from virtual conferences, trade shows, webinars, educational sessions, product launches, exhibitions, networking sessions, workshops, live commerce experiences, influencer Livestreaming, and more.

During these events, participants engage in a multitude of activities, such as attending live presentations, exploring virtual booths showcasing products or services, networking with fellow attendees, participating in interactive workshops or discussions, enjoying entertainment or gaming experiences, and accessing digital content such as documents, videos, or interactive demos.

The primary goal of events in the metaverse is to emulate real-world experiences within a virtual environment, offering opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, skill development, social interaction, and entertainment. By leveraging immersive technologies, participants can engage in meaningful interactions, foster connections, expand their knowledge, and explore innovative concepts—all within a dynamic and immersive digital space.

2.3.7 How to create a workshop in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Workshops are designed to facilitate learning, skill development, problem-solving, or creative exploration within specific subjects or fields. These sessions typically involve hands-on activities, interactive exercises, experiential learning, collaboration, discussions, and practical demonstrations led by an expert or facilitator. The recommended number of participants in a workshop is between 10-30 attendees.

Creating a workshop in your 3D immersive space and metaverse with Mext platform is a seamless process designed to facilitate engaging and interactive learning experiences. Here's how you can do it:

1. Engaging Content: Start by designing a captivating 3D immersive space for your workshop using Mext Metabuilder. This space serves as a dynamic learning environment where participants can embark on a journey of discovery. Customize the space with relevant information, objectives, and resources to enhance participant engagement. Utilize 3D models, presentations, video screens, and other multimedia elements to enrich the learning experience.

2. Interactive Format: Mext platform offers a versatile range of communication tools, including avatars with spatial audio, standard video conferences, and chats. Incorporate interactive activities such as discussions, group exercises, and hands-on learning experiences to actively engage participants. Organize challenges, games, and utilize the Score feature to motivate participants and foster collaboration.

3. Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism using Mext platform to gather input from participants during and after the workshop. Utilize polls, open discussions, or the participant's feedback feature to collect valuable insights and assess participant satisfaction.

4. Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensure accessibility and inclusivity for all participants by leveraging Mext platform's flexible accessibility features. Participants can access the workshop anytime, anywhere, with support for multiple languages and technical assistance.

To kickstart a workshop using the Mext platform, follow these practical steps:

1- Select a Plan: Begin by choosing a suitable plan from the Mext plan offers. This grants you access to the administrator Backoffice, where you can manage and organize your workshop seamlessly.

2- Choose a Scene Template: Once you have access to the Backoffice, select a scene template that fits the theme and requirements of your workshop. Alternatively, you can import your own customized scene template to personalize the environment further.

3- Create an Event: With the scene set up, proceed to create an event within the Mext platform. Define the details of your workshop, including the date, time, duration, and any additional information participants need to know.

4- Select Activities and Games: Enhance the workshop experience by selecting and incorporating various activities and games. Choose from a range of interactive options available within the Mext platform to engage participants and make the session more dynamic.

5- Develop Your Workshop Program: Outline the agenda and content of your workshop program. Define the topics to be covered, the sequence of activities, and any materials or resources required for each segment.

**6- Start Promotion: **Once your workshop is set up, begin promoting it to your target audience. Utilize the promotional tools provided by the Mext platform to spread the word, attract participants, and generate interest in your workshop.

By following these steps and leveraging the capabilities of Mext platform, you can efficiently create and organize impactful and memorable workshops that inspire learning, collaboration, and innovation within your 3D immersive space and metaverse.

2.3.8 How can I create a webinar in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

A webinar, or web seminar, is a live online presentation conducted over the internet using video conferencing and broadcasting software. Here's how you can create a successful webinar within a 3D immersive space and metaverse:

1. Plan Your Webinar:

  • Structure your webinar with a clear agenda, defining the format (e.g., single-speaker presentation, panel discussion).
  • Create a captivating 3D immersive space to engage participants visually.
  • Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, games, and Q\&A sessions to encourage participation.

2. Onboarding:

  • Develop a landing page for registration and information dissemination.
  • Invite sponsors, speakers, and attendees for seamless participation.

3. Promote Your Webinar:

  • Utilize the Mext platform to promote your webinar across various channels.
  • Provide clear instructions for joining and ensure easy access for participants.

4. Running the Webinar:

  • Initiate the webinar at the scheduled time.
  • Speakers can deliver presentations, discussions, or lectures using screens or avatars.
  • Participants can interact through chat functions, Q\&A sessions, and discussions.

5. Feedback Mechanism:

  • Implement feedback mechanisms using polls or participant feedback features.
  • Gather insights to assess satisfaction and improve future webinars.

6. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

  • Ensure accessibility for all participants by supporting multiple languages and providing technical assistance.
  • Foster an inclusive environment that accommodates diverse participants.

7. Follow Up After the Webinar:

  • Provide access to webinar replays and additional resources.
  • Send thank-you emails and analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Practical Steps to Start Your Webinar with Mext Platform:

1. Select a Plan:

  • Choose a suitable plan from Mext platform offers to access the administrator Backoffice for webinar management.

2. Customize Your 3D Immersive Space:

  • Select a scene template or import your own to personalize the environment.
  • Set up a designated presentation area within your space.

3. Create a New Event:

  • Use the Backoffice to create a new event, providing details like date, time, and description.

4. Select Activities and Games:

  • Enhance engagement with interactive activities and games available in the Mext platform.

5. Invite Speakers and Participants:

  • Invite speakers and participants, conducting technology tests for smooth operation.
  • Provide guidance on navigating the 3D immersive space.

6. Develop Your Webinar Program:

  • Outline the agenda, sessions, speakers, and required details.

7. Promotion:

  • Utilize promotional tools within the Mext platform to attract participants to your webinar.

2.3.9 How can I organize a conference in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

A conference in the 3D immersive space and metaverse is a large-scale event where professionals, experts, researchers, academics, and enthusiasts gather to discuss, share, and exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences within a specific industry, field, or subject area. Conferences typically feature a variety of activities, including keynote speeches, panel discussions, presentations, workshops, poster sessions, networking opportunities, and exhibitor booths, involving multiple sessions that can last anywhere from one to several days and may be held annually, biennially, or more frequently.

Here's how to create a successful conference:

1. Plan Your Conference:

  • Develop a clear program with workshops, panels, keynotes, and networking opportunities.
  • Create an engaging 3D immersive space with multiple locations for conferencing, exhibits, and networking.
  • Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, games, and Q\&A sessions.

2. Onboarding:

  • Create a landing page for registration and information dissemination.
  • Invite sponsors, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees for seamless participation.

3. Promotion:

  • Utilize the Mext platform to promote your conference across various channels.
  • Provide clear instructions for joining and ensure easy access for participants.

4. Running the Conference:

  • Initiate the conference at the scheduled time.
  • Speakers can deliver presentations using screens or avatars.
  • Exhibitors can interact with attendees.
  • Participants engage through avatars, chat functions, Q\&A sessions, and networking.

5. Feedback Mechanism:

  • Implement feedback mechanisms using polls or participant feedback features.
  • Gather insights to assess satisfaction and improve future conferences.

6. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

  • Ensure accessibility for all participants by supporting multiple languages.
  • Foster an inclusive environment that accommodates diverse participants.

7. Follow-Up:

  • Provide access to conference replays and additional resources.
  • Send thank-you emails and analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Practical Steps to Start Your Conference with Mext Platform:

1. Select a Plan:

  • Choose a suitable plan from Mext platform offers to access the administrator Backoffice for conference management.

2. Customize Your 3D Immersive Space:

  • Personalize the environment with scene templates or your designs.
  • Set up designated areas for presentations, exhibits, and networking.

3. Create a New Event:

  • Use the Backoffice to create a new event, providing date, time, and description details.

4. Select Activities and Games:

  • Enhance engagement with interactive activities available in the Mext platform.

5. Invite Speakers Exhibitorsand Participants:

  • Invite speakers exhibitors and participants, conducting technology tests for smooth operation.

6. Develop Your Conference Program:

• Outline a detailed agenda with sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

7. Promotion:

• Utilize promotional tools within the Mext platform to attract participants to your conference.

2.3.10 How to Organize a Tradeshow in Your 3D Immersive Space and Metaverse?

Traditionally, a tradeshow (or trade fair or expo) focuses on facilitating business transactions, networking, and marketing opportunities within a specific industry or market sector. The primary goal is to showcase products, services, innovations, and technologies to potential buyers, investors, partners, and industry professionals. Tradeshows typically involve exhibitors renting booth space to display and demonstrate products and offerings and engage with attendees.

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a successful tradeshow within your 3D immersive space and metaverse:

1. Plan Your Tradeshow:

  • Design an engaging 3D immersive space venue that can accommodate the size and requirements of the tradeshow, including exhibit space, meeting rooms, and networking areas.
  • Pay attention to the exhibition areas and stands, ensuring they are meticulously designed to effectively showcase products and services.
  • Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, games, and Q\&A sessions to enhance attendee engagement.

2. Onboarding:

  • Develop a landing page for registration and information dissemination.
  • Invite sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and attendees to ensure seamless participation.

3. Promotion:

  • Utilize the Mext platform to promote your tradeshow across various channels.
  • Provide clear instructions for joining and ensure easy access for participants.

4. Running the Tradeshow:

  • Initiate the tradeshow at the scheduled time, allowing exhibitors to demonstrate and showcase their products to attendees.
  • Speakers can deliver presentations using screens or avatars.
  • Participants engage through avatars, chat functions, Q\&A sessions, and networking opportunities.

5. Feedback Mechanism:

  • Implement feedback mechanisms using polls or participant feedback features to gather insights and improve future tradeshows.

6. Accessibility and Inclusivity:

  • Ensure accessibility for all participants by supporting multiple languages and fostering an inclusive environment.

7. Follow-Up:

  • Provide access to tradeshow replays and additional resources for attendees.
  • Send thank-you emails and analyze feedback to identify areas for improvement.

Practical Steps to Start Your Tradeshow with Mext Platform:

8. Select a Plan:

  • Choose a suitable plan from the Mext platform to access the administrator Backoffice for tradeshow management.

9. Customize Your 3D Immersive Space:

  • Personalize the environment with scene templates or your designs.
  • Focus on the exhibition area and ensure exhibitors have everything they need to showcase their products and services effectively.
  • Set up designated areas for presentations, meetings, and networking.

10. Create a New Event:

  • Use the Backoffice to create a new event, providing date, time, and description details.

11. Select Activities and Games:

  • Enhance engagement with interactive activities available in the Mext platform.

12. Invite Speakers, Exhibitors, and Participants:

  • Invite exhibitors, speakers, and participants, and conduct technology tests for smooth operation.

13. Develop Your Tradeshow Program:

  • Outline a detailed agenda with sessions, slots for sponsored exhibitors, and networking opportunities.

14. Promotion :

  • Utilize promotional tools within the Mext platform to attract participants to your tradeshow.

2.3.11 How to Create Stands and Manage Exhibitors in my Metaverse?

Creating stands and managing exhibitors in your Metaverse is pivotal for organizing successful tradeshows and conferences. The Mext platform offers advanced and automated solutions for this purpose. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this effectively:

1. Set Up the Exhibition Area:

  • Utilize your Backoffice and Metabuilder to designate a specific area within your Metaverse for the exhibition. This could be a separate hall or designated space within your 3D immersive environment.

2. Create Exhibitor Stands:

  • With the Metaverse Backoffice, easily generate digital stands for exhibitors. Each stand comes with its own dedicated Backoffice, serving as a control panel for exhibitors to personalize their booths and track metrics.

3. Place Stands in the Exhibition Area:

  • Assign stand locations to exhibitors within the exhibition area. Ensure proper spacing and organization for easy navigation.

4. Provide Exhibitor Resources:

  • Offer comprehensive resources to help exhibitors set up their stands effectively. This includes documentation, video tutorials, and support materials for customization and product showcasing.

5. Promote Exhibitor Participation:

  • Encourage active participation by offering incentives such as exclusive promotions or discounts for attendees visiting exhibitor stands. Promote exhibitors through various marketing channels.

6. Facilitate Networking Opportunities:

  • Arrange networking sessions and meetings for exhibitors and attendees to connect. Provide discussion forums and digital business card exchanges to enhance interaction.

7. Monitor and Support Exhibitors:

  • Regularly check in with exhibitors to address questions or technical issues. Offer dedicated support channels and ensure prompt assistance throughout the event.

8. Gather Exhibitor Feedback:

  • After the event, collect feedback from exhibitors to understand their experience and gather suggestions for improvement. This feedback is invaluable for refining the exhibitor management process for future events.

By following these steps, you can effectively create stands for exhibitors, provide them with necessary resources and support, and ensure a seamless and engaging experience for both exhibitors and attendees within your Metaverse.

2.3.12 How Can an Exhibitor Manage a Booth in the Metaverse?

When a booth is created in the Metaverse, a dedicated Backoffice is generated specifically for that booth. This booth Backoffice serves as a robust control panel for exhibitors, offering a variety of tools and functionalities to customize their booth and track important metrics.

With the booth Backoffice, exhibitors have the flexibility to personalize various elements of their booth to reflect their branding and achieve their objectives. They can effortlessly upload and showcase images, videos, 3D models, and interactive content that highlight their products or services. Exhibitors can also rearrange and resize components within the booth to create an immersive and visually captivating experience.

In addition to customization, the booth Backoffice provides exhibitors with valuable insights into the performance of their booth. Real-time visitor data and statistics, such as the number of visitors, engagement levels, and visit durations, are readily available. This data empowers exhibitors to assess the effectiveness of their booth and make informed decisions to optimize their presence in the Metaverse.

Moreover, the Backoffice offers powerful communication tools that facilitate direct interaction between exhibitors and visitors. Features like chat functionality, video/audio calls, and spatial audio with avatars enable exhibitors to engage in real-time conversations and address inquiries or requests from visitors. They can also set up Q\&A sessions, interactive games, and offer digital goodies to enhance attendee engagement.

By leveraging the booth Backoffice, exhibitors gain autonomy to personalize their booths, monitor visitor data, and actively engage with attendees. This level of control maximizes their presence and impact within the Metaverse, creating an immersive and memorable experience for both exhibitors and visitors.

2.3.13 How can I protect my VIP and disable communication with them?

To protect your VIPs and disable communication with them in the Metaverse, you can implement certain measures to ensure their privacy and security. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Access Controls: Utilize access controls within the Metaverse platform to restrict communication and interactions. Grant access only to authorized individuals or groups who have been vetted and approved. Please contact us to put in place such access control at

2. VIP Zones: Create designated VIP zones or areas within the Metaverse where access is limited to specific individuals. This ensures that only authorized VIPs can enter those areas, reducing the chances of unwanted communication.

**3. Private Spaces: **Offer private spaces or rooms within the Metaverse where VIPs can engage in exclusive discussions or meetings. These areas can be accessible only through invitation, ensuring that only approved participants can join.

4. Privacy Settings: Enable enhanced privacy settings for VIPs, such as the option to remain anonymous or invisible to other participants. This helps to maintain their privacy and reduces the likelihood of unsolicited communication.

5. Security Personnel: Assign dedicated security personnel or moderators within the Metaverse to monitor activities and ensure the safety of VIPs. They can intervene if any unauthorized communication attempts occur and take appropriate actions.

6. Event Guidelines: Clearly communicate event guidelines and code of conduct to all participants, emphasizing the importance of respecting the privacy and boundaries of VIPs. Encourage attendees to report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

7. Support Team: Have a dedicated support team available to handle any issues or concerns raised by VIPs. They can provide immediate assistance and address any communication-related problems.

It's essential to have a comprehensive plan in place to protect your VIPs and provide them with a secure environment within the Metaverse. By implementing these measures, you can ensure that their experience is safeguarded while still enabling meaningful interactions within the event.

2.3.14 How can I upload my content to the Metaverse?

With Mext Metabuilder technology, uploading and managing 3D and 2D content is a seamless process through your Metaverse Backoffice. Once your 3D or 2D (panels, image, video) content is prepared, you can easily upload it using the Metabuilder tool. The platform offers intuitive options to resize, position, and adjust the placement of your objects within the Metaverse, providing real-time feedback as you make changes. This streamlined process enables you to create engaging experiences by integrating your own assets, whether you're showcasing products, building virtual environments, or designing interactive spaces. Take advantage of this powerful tool to bring your vision to life and create captivating experiences for your audience in the Metaverse!

2.3.15 What is a showroom?

A showroom in the context of the Metaverse refers to an interactive 3D space that can be embedded in a website or incorporated into a larger Metaverse environment. It serves as a dedicated space for showcasing products, services, or experiences in a visually engaging and immersive manner.

2.3.16 How to integrate my own games in my Metaverse ?

Whether you have a brilliant new game idea or seek to integrate your existing game into the Metaverse, Mext is here to support you. Reach out to us at and unlock the potential of your gaming innovation. Together, let's shape the future of immersive gaming experiences in the Metaverse!

2.3.17 Can I organize 2 events in parallel in my Metaverse ?

With Mext, you have the incredible capability to organize not just one, but multiple events simultaneously within your Metaverse. Whether it's conferences, exhibitions, or social gatherings, our platform empowers you to seamlessly manage and coordinate multiple events, all within the immersive realm of the Metaverse. Maximize your potential and create a truly dynamic and engaging experience by running parallel events with Mext.

2.3.18 What advantages does Broadcasting offer over Screen Sharing?

Broadcasting and screen sharing are distinct methods for transmitting information, each with unique advantages:

  • Broadcasting efficiently reaches a large audience simultaneously without requiring individual connections or screen sharing setups.
  • Broadcasting consumes less bandwidth than screen sharing, as it typically involves a single stream of content to all viewers.
  • Broadcasting maintains participant focus by providing a consistent viewing experience without distractions from other participants' screens or activities.
  • Broadcasting allows for polished presentations with customizable layouts and graphics.
  • Broadcasting requires fewer system resources compared to screen sharing, which can strain CPU and memory resources.

The choice between broadcasting and screen sharing depends on the specific context and objectives of each situation. While screen sharing may be preferable for collaborative work or interactive sessions, broadcasting excels in efficiently disseminating information to a broad audience.

2.3.19 and if someone (avatar) has inappropriate language, how can I ban him?

You have just to go to Admin interface, search for the name of the Avatar and deleted.

2.3.20 How can I access statistics about my event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

To access statistics about your event, navigate to your Administrator Backoffice. Click on the "Tools & Support" section, and then select "Statistics." From there, choose your event from the scrolling menu labeled "By event." This will provide you with comprehensive data and insights into various aspects of your event, allowing you to track performance, engagement levels, and other key metrics to evaluate the success of your event.

2.3.21 Can I send email campaigns for my event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Yes, you can send email campaigns directly from your Administrator Backoffice. Simply navigate to the "Visitor management" section and then select "Emailing campaign." From there, you can compose and send emails to effectively communicate with your audience, promote your event, and provide important updates or information to your attendees.

2.3.22 How much time do I need to organize my event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Mext platform is designed to automate all tasks and to update in real-time any modification of your 3D immersive space and metaverse, meaning the execution time of your event is just a few hours. However, this does not include event preparation and promotion, as this depends on you and the complexity of your event. Tasks like finding speakers, exhibitors, and promoting the event do not depend on the platform.

2.3.23 How much will it cost me to organize an event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

If you expect less than 100 attendees and no partner’s space and stands, the cost is 99 € assuming the time required to prepare, promote, and execute your event is less than 1 month. If more time is needed, you need to add 99 € per month.

If you expect more than 100 attendees and/or you need the partner’s space and stands feature, the cost is 998 € per month assuming the time required to prepare, promote, and execute your event is less than 1 month. If more time is needed, you need to add 998 € per month.

If you require more features than Mext standard offers or you need specific developments for your event project, you need to contact the Mext sales team at .

2.3.24 How can I generate revenue from events in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Monetizing your 3D immersive space and metaverse offers a range of possibilities. Here's how you can do it:

**1. Event Organization: **Host events and charge attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors for participation.

**2. Event Hosting Fees: **Charge organizers a fee for hosting events in your space, based on factors like duration and attendee count.

**3. Subscription Model: **Offer subscription plans for access to events and networking opportunities.

4. Digital Space Sales: Sell customizable digital spaces within your metaverse for others to host their events or storefronts.

**5. Advertising and Sponsorship: **Allow businesses to advertise or sponsor events and virtual spaces within your metaverse.

6. Virtual Goods and Services: Create and sell virtual assets, avatars, or event services like planning and technical support.

7. Premium Features: Offer advanced customization, support, or access to exclusive areas for a premium.

8. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with other platforms and earn commissions for referrals or sales.

9. Virtual Tickets and Merchandise: Sell tickets to events or virtual merchandise like digital souvenirs.

10. Live Commerce Events: Organize interactive shopping experiences to drive sales.

11. eLearning Sessions: Monetize educational sessions and courses to provide value and generate revenue.

2.3.25 How can I sell tickets for events in my 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Yes, you can sell tickets for events in your 3D immersive space and metaverse.

For further information contact Mext sales at

2.3.26 If I monetize my event in my 3D immersive space and metaverse, do I need to pay anything to Mext?

Absolutely not. You only need to pay your subscription fee to the platform.