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1.10 Data & privacy

1.10 Data & privacy 🔒

1.10.1 What is the data Mext is collecting and what is the usage done with ?

Mext recognizes and respects others Intellectual Property Rights. Mext collects solely the required data, allowing to provide a high level of services. The data protection policies are defined in the General Conditions of Use. MEXT promotes relationships between people organizations and companies around the world for their service and therefore intends to be fully transparent regarding the nature of the data collected. Data collected can be split in three categories :

  • As part of its services to bring organizations and companies closer together, MEXT collects in an automated way public information with administrative or technical character.
  • It is possible that your company/organization publishes some content that includes information about them or their products and services (e.g. articles, posts, comments, datasheet, posters or video, in the context of virtual exhibitions or events organized in virtual exhibitions).
  • Information provided by third parties: Third parties may eventually publish some content mentioning your business or organization.

Mext complies with GDPR, and provide the capabilities to have that information updated, corrected or deleted.

When creating a user account and using Mext's services, the following data may be collected and processed:

  • user account information: ID, password (encoded), surname, first name, email, user privileges (visitor, organization representative, administrator…
  • user profile information: surname, first name, email, link to Linkedin profile, photography, country, company/organization, rôoe in organization, matters of interest, keywords
  • speakers pictures and videos at virtual exhibitions; professional or personal physical address
  • Data of connection: time, IP address, ISP, proxys, referrer, device Type and Operating System, resolution.
  • Messages and files exchanged by chat
  • Agenda of visitors and exhibitors inside the virtual exhibitions
  • Data obtained through the use of our services and technical data

1.10.2 how Mext is protecting my data?

Mext is implementing an adequate and state-of-the-art level of protection, in concordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. All communications in between the user computers and Mext servers are performed trough encrypted https connection. Internally on the Mext servers, the data collected is stored in a secure environment. To ensure the security and maintain the privacy of data, Mext has implemented and continuously maintain a wide panel of controls, among them:

  • strict data and resources access management for Mext employees and for external users
  • Strength of passwords associated with each identifier.
  • Secured communications
  • Sensible server data at rest protection
  • Use of monitoring software for the network and work on computers
  • Regular deployment of security patches for SOUPs and operating systems
  • Automated data backups
  • Access bastion / WAF / Data packets filtering

Mext employes and collaborators are required to respect the privacy of your data. We regularly monitor our systems for possible vulnerabilities and attacks. In accordance with the GDPR, Mext will notify the CNIL and the person concerned, of any personal data infringement, as referred to by the RGPD.