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1.6 Speakers

1.6 Speakers

1.6.1 How can I log in and join the speaker stage in a live session room?

To join a live session room as a speaker, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account at and access the Metaverse platform.

2. Once inside the Metaverse, locate the top menu on your screen.

3. Click on the "3 dots" button, then select the "Go to" option from the top right menu of your visitor screen.

4. In the dropdown menu, choose "My meetings".

5. You will see a list of your scheduled meetings. Look for the meeting with the same name as the event or stage you're speaking at.

6. Click on the "Join" button next to the meeting to enter the speaker stage.

Following these steps will enable you to seamlessly join the designated speaker stage and participate in the live session.

1.6.2 How can I participate as a speaker at events?

To participate as a speaker, you have two options:

1. Apply Through Event Page: If the event page offers an option to apply as a speaker, access the page and follow the instructions to submit your application. Ensure you provide all requested information and details.

2. Direct Contact: If no option to apply as a speaker is available on the event page, directly contact the Metaverse organizer or event coordinator. Reach out via email or provided contact information, expressing your interest in speaking. They will guide you through the process and provide further instructions.

By utilizing either option, you can take the necessary steps to apply and potentially secure a speaking opportunity at the event.