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1.4 Visitors

1.4 Visitors

1.4.1 How do I navigate within the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Depending on the performance of your laptop and your network speed, the loading time for your 3D immersive space and metaverse may vary. It's best to wait until your scene is fully loaded, which may take some time even after the loading bar reaches 100%. Once the scene is completely loaded, you can easily navigate with your avatar using the following keys:

- Qwerty users can navigate within the metaverse using the W, A, S, and D keys for movement.

- Azerty users, on the other hand, should use the Z, Q, S, and D keys for movement.

- Additionally, both Qwerty and Azerty users can utilize the arrow keys for navigation.

1.4.2 What is teleportation in the context of 3D immersive space and the metaverse?

Teleportation in the 3D immersive space and metaverse enables users to swiftly transition between locations within the digital environment. Instead of physically maneuvering their avatars, users can effortlessly select a destination, triggering instantaneous transport with actions like clicking on a designated point or choosing from a menu of predefined locations. This functionality enhances user mobility by establishing shortcuts and facilitating seamless navigation between digital worlds. As a result, exploring diverse areas becomes effortless, promoting efficient and fluid movement within the digital realm.

1.4.3 How to reach out to others in the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

You have two options to contact visitors within the 3D immersive space and metaverse:

1. Engage in avatar and audio spatial mode when encountering an avatar in the space.

2. Click on the chat button in the visitor’s Top Menu, situated on the right side of your screen, to open the chat bar on the left side of your screen.

1.4.4 How to communicate with an avatar?

Initiate communication in audio spatial mode by simply speaking when you encounter an avatar. Alternatively, you can click on the "chat" icon located above the avatar to open a chat window and engage in text-based conversations, audio or video calls, and schedule meetings.

1.4.5 How to share a screen?

To initiate screen sharing, simply follow these steps:

Click on "SHARE YOUR SCREEN" and select whether you want to share a tab, window, or the entire screen. After making your choice, click on it and then click "share."

If you encounter difficulties while attempting to share or view a shared screen, it's possible that it may not work as expected. In such cases, refer to the provided link/documentation below to learn how to enable screen sharing on your computer within our platform.

1.4.6 How the chat sidebar function? How to contact someone in the chat?

The chat sidebar operates much like traditional messaging platforms such as WhatsApp or Skype. It facilitates private and group conversations, as well as video and audio calls. Moreover, you can also request and arrange meetings. Keep in mind that to initiate contact with someone, you must add them from the participant list (which comprises all visitors to the 3D immersive space and metaverse) to your "My Networkers" list.

1.4.7 How can I schedule a meeting with someone?

To schedule a meeting with someone:

1. Navigate to the chat section.

2. Locate the person's name in your networkers list using the search field.

3. If you find them, simply click on their profile to open a private chat, then click on the calendar icon to send a meeting request.

4. If you don't find them in your networkers list, you'll need to search for them in the participants list. Once found, click on their profile and add them to your networkers list. Once added, you can find them in your networkers list, click on their profile, and then click on the calendar icon to book a meeting.

Please note that visitors have the option to accept or decline meeting requests.

1.4.8 How to initiate a video or audio call with someone?

1. Make sure that the chat sidebar is visible

2. Ensure that the person you wish to call is listed in your networkers section (indicated by the 'My Networkers' icon in the chat sidebar). Once they are added to your networkers, click on their profile to open a private chat, then select the camera icon for a video call or the phone icon for an audio call.

1.4.9 How to switch from avatar and audio spatial mode to video mode?

If you're engaged in a conversation with someone in avatar mode with audio spatial, simply click on the chat icon located above the individual's avatar. This action will open the chat sidebar in private chat mode with the person you're conversing with in avatar mode. From there, click on the camera icon to initiate a video call.

1.4.10 How to block someone?

Navigate to the private chat with the individual, then click on the " i"icon. Next, select "Block User" to prevent further communication with that user.

1.4.11 How to find files and media shared with someone?

Navigate to the private chat with the individual, then click on the "i" icon. There you can find all the files, videos, pictures, and other media that you've shared with that individual."

1.4.12 How to report abuse behavior?

Navigate to the private chat with the individual, then click on the “warning” icon. Describe the issue and send your report.

1.4.13 How to locate and join someone in the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

To locate and join someone, navigate to the chat interface and check if the person is currently active in the 3D immersive space and metaverse. If the individual is active, you'll notice the "join" icon next to their name. Simply click on this icon to be instantly transported to the same location as the individual. If you don't immediately see the individual's avatar, it's possible that your avatar is in close proximity to theirs. Take a few steps away, and their avatar should become visible to you.

Please Note that the "Join" option is visible only when the visitor is actively present in the immersive space.

1.4.14 Can I create a chatroom?

Certainly! You have the option to create a chatroom in either public, password-protected, or private mode and invite others to join you.

1.4.15 How to create a chatroom ?

To create a chat room, follow these steps:

1. Click on the chatrooms icon in your chat sidebar.

2. Next, click on the "pencil" icon located near the search field.

3. Create a group and label it as a "Chatroom."

4. Provide a name for your group and chatroom.

5. Select the type of group: Public, password-protected, or private.

1.4.16 How to add someone to your “ My Network”?

To add someone to your network, navigate to the chat sidebar, then click on "Participants." You can either search for the person by name or company if necessary, or browse through the list and select the individual you want to add to your network. Click on the "person with +" icon to add them.

1.4.17 How to access to someone profile?

To access someone's profile, navigate to the chat sidebar and click on "Participants." From there, you can search for the person by name or company, or simply browse through the list. Once you find the individual, click on the dark "3 dots" icon to open their profile and learn more about them.

1.4.18 Is it possible to take notes while participating in activities and events within the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Certainly! You can easily do this. Ensure that the chat sidebar is open, then click on your profile in the "My Network" list. Next, click on the "collaborative document" icon—it's the fifth icon from the left in the bottom menu of the chat. Once the collaborative document is created, click on it to open it in another browser window. From there, you can actively participate in the document while also engaging in activities within the immersive space and metaverse.

1.4.19 Is it possible to collaborate on a document with my team while participating in activities and events within the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Yes, you can. Ensure the chat sidebar is open and create a chat with the collaborators you choose. Then, click on the "collaborative document" icon—it's the fifth icon from the left in the bottom menu of the chat. All invited participants can contribute to this document. Click on the created collaborative document, and it will open in another browser window. From there, you can actively participate while engaging in activities within the immersive space and metaverse.

1.4.20 Is it possible to create a whiteboard while participating in activities and events within the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Yes, you can. Ensure that the chat sidebar is open, then simply click on your profile in the "My Network" list, followed by clicking on the "Whiteboard" icon. It's the sixth icon from the left in the bottom menu of the chat. The whiteboard will then open in another browser window. From there, you can actively participate in the whiteboard activities while also engaging in activities within the immersive space and metaverse.

1.4.21 Can I collaborate with my team while participating to a 3D immersive space and metaverse activity and events?

Yes, you can. Ensure that the chat sidebar is open, then simply create a chat with the people you want to collaborate with. Next, create a Whiteboard by clicking on the "Whiteboard" icon. It's the sixth icon from the left in the bottom menu of the chat. The Whiteboard will then open in another browser window. All the people you invited to the chat can participate in the Whiteboard activity. Everyone can contribute to the Whiteboard while also engaging in activities within the immersive space and metaverse.

1.4.22 Can I create a poll as a visitor?

Yes, as a visitor, you have the ability to set up a poll in any chat group or chatroom where you are a member. Additionally, you can create chat groups, also known as chatrooms, specifically dedicated to your poll.

1.4.23 What's the distinction between a chatroom and a chat group on the Mext platform?

On the Mext platform, they essentially refer to the same thing.

1.4.24 What distinguishes visitors, attendees, and participants?

In the realm of the 3D immersive space and metaverse, these terms are often used interchangeably. "Attendees" typically denotes those present at events, "visitors" refers to individuals who have explored the 3D immersive space and metaverse, and "participants" are actively engaged in the activities of the Metaverse. However, all three are integral members of the community, contributing to its activities and engagement.

1.4.25 What other movements can my avatar perform besides walking?

You can sit, dance, show urgency, kick another avatar, perform acrobatics, raise hands, and lie down!

1.4.26 How can I make my avatar sit on a chair?

You can make your avatar sit on a chair by clicking on the chair.

1.4.27 How do I make my avatar dance?

To make your avatar dance, simply press the "L" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the first movement option to make your avatar start dancing.

1.4.28 How can I indicate haste?

To make your avatar indicate haste, simply press the "M" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the second movement option to make your avatar indicate haste.

1.4.29 How can I make my avatar perform acrobatics?

To make your avatar perform acrobatics, simply press the "O" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the third movement option to make your avatar indicate haste.

1.4.30 How can I make my avatar move as if kicking someone?

To make your avatar move as if kicking someone, simply press the "K" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the fourth movement option to make your avatar move as if kicking someone.

1.4.31 How can I make my avatar raise hands with your avatar?

To make your avatar raise hands, simply press the "I" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the fifth movement option to make your avatar raise hands

1.4.32 How to lie down with your avatar?

To make your avatar raise hands, simply press the "F" key on your keyboard.

Alternatively, you can click on the movement icon located third from the left in the Top Menu on the right side of your screen, then select the sixth movement option to make your avatar lie down.

1.4.33 How can I get a comprehensive view of the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Simply click on the Map icon located on the top menu at the right side of your screen.

1.4.34 How do I navigate between locations within the 3D immersive space and metaverse?

Answer: You have a couple of options. Firstly, you can move your avatar by walking to different locations. Alternatively, you can use the "Go To" button in the "3 dots" scrolling menu located in the top right corner of your screen, provided that the desired location is listed there. Additionally, the 3D immersive space and metaverse administrator may place teleporters labeled with the names of specific locations for easy teleportation.

1.4.35 How can I invite someone to join me?

To invite someone to join you in the 3D immersive space and metaverse, simply copy the "invite link" from the scrolling "3 dots" menu and send it to the person you want to join you through any communication app (WhatsApp, Messenger, Viber, etc.) or social media platform (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.).

1.4.36 How can I access support while inside the 3D immersive space and Metaverse?

To seek support within the 3D immersive space, click on the "3dots" button in the top right menu of your screen, then select "Support/Feedback". This action will open a window where you can click on "Ask question" to seek assistance.

Additionally, administrators can provide support through Avatars with audio spatial capabilities, such as AI-Assistants or human avatars. Visitors can also navigate to designated stands within the Metaverse to request assistance.

1.4.37 How can I leave a comment while inside the 3D immersive space and Metaverse?

To leave a comment within the 3D immersive space, simply click on the "3dots" button located in the top right menu of your screen. Then, select "Support/Feedback" to open a window where you can click on "Feedback" to leave your comment.

1.4.38 How can I signal misbehavior, abuse and harassment when I am inside the 3D immersive and metaverse?

1.4.39 How can I change my avatar's appearance while inside the 3D immersive space and Metaverse?

To alter your avatar's appearance within the 3D immersive space, click on the "3dots" button in the top right menu of your screen. Then, select "Settings" followed by "Edit my avatar" to access the avatar configuration page. From there, you can customize your avatar's look to your preference.

1.4.40 How can I record my visit within the 3D immersive space and Metaverse?

To record your visit within the 3D immersive space, start by clicking on the "3dots" button located in the top right menu of your screen. Next, select "Tools" and then "Capture video" to access a screen sharing option for video recording. Once selected, share your screen to initiate recording. To stop recording, simply stop sharing your screen. The recorded video will be immediately available in your downloads folder.