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Emailing campaign

You have the capability to conduct your email campaigns directly from the platform. Here's how you can manage your campaigns:

1. You can send campaigns to all your registered attendees or members by selecting the entire list and sending the campaign.

2. Alternatively, you can build your recipient list by individually selecting attendees or members and then send your campaign to this customized list.

3. If needed, you can sort the list of registered attendees for a specific event and launch a campaign targeted specifically to this group.

Once your recipient list is prepared, proceed with your emailing campaign:

  • Begin by specifying the title of your email.
  • Craft the content and text of your email.
  • Add your signature to the email.
  • Finally, send the email to your selected audience.

Email campaigns are a vital tool in enhancing engagement, informing participants about upcoming activities, and maintaining ongoing communication within the Metaverse community.