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Scoring system

1.1.1 Introduction to the scoring system

In the 3D immersive space and Metaverse, the scoring system plays a pivotal role in evaluating participant performance and fostering engagement. It assigns numerical values or points to various actions and achievements, enabling the creation of challenges, provision of rewards, and allowing participants to track their progress, compete with others, and set personal improvement goals. These scoring systems come in various forms and serve several essential functions.

Within the Mext Metaverse platform, the key principle is flexibility, allowing for the assignment of specific point values to a diverse range of actions contributing to a participant's overall score. There exists an extensive list of categorized actions, each associated with its own point values, which can be customized to align with scoring objectives. For example, in an Exhibition Metaverse aimed at incentivizing community attendance at conferences, high scores can be assigned to conference-related actions such as attending sessions, actively participating in chat discussions, and more. Similarly, for educational journeys, scores can be allocated for quizzes, games, and other relevant activities. Additionally, scores can be assigned for polls and other interactions within the 3D interactive spaces and Metaverse.

This adaptable scoring approach empowers users to tailor the Metaverse experience to specific goals, encouraging meaningful engagement and competition among participants. It provides a dynamic way to measure and reward contributions within the virtual realm, enhancing the overall experience.

1.1.2 Scoring System configuration

To configure the scoring system, all you need to do is assign specific point values to actions that align with your objectives. The system will then promptly calculate the weight percentage for each group of actions to ensure that it aligns with your intended objectives accurately.

1. Encourage and reward community members for completing their profile information by allocating scores in the "Participant's Profile Scoring" section.

2. Motivate and reward administrators and key contributors to the 3D immersive space and metaverse by assigning scores in the "Key Contributor's Scoring" section.

3. Foster participation in Livestreaming events for larger gatherings by allocating scores in the "Live Events Participation Rewards" section.

4. Incentivize visiting sponsor and partner spaces and stands by assigning scores in the "Partner Space/Exhibitor Visits" section.

5. Promote and reward engagement in networking activities by allocating scores in the "Networking Engagement" section.

6. Encourage visitors to actively interact and share content by assigning scores in the "Interactivity and Content" section.

- Remember to save any modifications to your scoring system whenever you make changes.

- You also have the option to disable the scoring system at any time by simply clicking on the "Disable Scoring" button.

Furthermore, you have the option to configure prizes within games by allocating scores to the winners instead of providing physical or digital rewards.

1.1.3 Leaderboard

7. The leaderboard showcases the ranking and scores of your participants.

8. Clicking the 'eye' icon allows you to view the specific actions taken by each participant.